Let’s Celebrate!

Today is June 21st, 2016.

On this day in 1946, my dad was born.

On this day in 1950, Cole’s maternal grandparents were married.

On this day in 1982, Cole’s little sister was born.

And on this day in 1996… 20 years ago… on my dad’s 50th birthday, Cole and I experienced the accident that broke my neck and changed our lives, and the lives of our families, forever.

You remember that Sesame Street song that says, “One of these things is not like the others….”? Well, this list is a bit like that! In fact, in addition to all of the reasons we celebrate on this day, once in a while this date falls on Father’s day, as well. That was the case just last year.

We were at our cabin that weekend with Cole’s parents and family and also invited my parents up on that Sunday to celebrate my dad’s birthday and Father’s day with us. When I woke up that day, just like every year for the past 20 years including today, I cried. Anniversaries of certain events in our lives trigger different emotions, depending on what it’s an anniversary of, as I’m sure many of you have experienced. So I got the tears out of my system for the day, and told my kids we were going to focus only on all of the happy things that we celebrate on that day; Grandpa’s birthday, Aunt Mindi’s birthday, etc. And of course, Father’s Day!

As the day progressed, we talked and laughed and celebrated all of the positive, happy things that day represented. Even though we did our best to ignore the “other thing” that happened on this day, inevitably it was brought up. Then my sweet Karly (one of the twins), only 10 years old at the time, but wise beyond her years said, “Mom, we are going to call this a ‘Celebration of Our Lives’ day, because if you weren’t here, we wouldn’t be here, either!” I really thought I had met my quota for shedding tears that morning, but apparently there is a different supply for tears of joy!

Her words melted my heart and taught me a lesson I’ll never forget. Even though I already knew this principle and share it when I speak, suddenly it had new meaning to me. Not only should we look for the positive things in our lives and be grateful for them, but we should CELEBRATE those things!

Celebrate whatever it is that makes you happy.

Celebrate each and every day you’re alive.

Celebrate each step you take.

Celebrate each breath you take.

Celebrate the people that are there to love you and lift you and support you when life seems unbearable.

Celebrate not only the “ups”, but the “downs”, as well, because of the strength you gain for getting through them.

Celebrate who you are and the many gifts you can share with the world.

CELEBRATE YOUR LIFE!!!  It’s the only one you have.

So today, I celebrate. And even though we celebrated my dad’s birthday a few days early so everyone could be there, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TODAY, DAD!!

And Happy Birthday, Mindi!

And even though Cole’s Grandpa passed away quite a few years ago, I’m sure his Grandma celebrates her 66th anniversary with him today in her own special way.

And HAPPY “CELEBRATION OF YOUR LIVES” DAY to my children!!! I love each one of them and celebrate the miracles that they are!

And to my husband, my rock, my best friend- I celebrate HIM today! His character, his commitment, his strength, and his integrity to stay with me through it all and marry me anyway, even though I was broken. I love him…and he loves me. That truly is reason to CELEBRATE!

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